Image Source Honestly, Philippine President elect Rodrigo Dutere was my most hated presidential candidate. Aside from his barbaric and infested mouth, I am not a fan of his economic platform because most of it is either unclear or very impossible to accomplish. During the campaign period, I am very vocal on campaigning against him. I had shared a dozen or so of anti-Duterte videos and articles and posting provoking comments showing my disgust over Rodrigo Duterte's capability to run our country. I was one with the "silent majority" (referring to the supporters of Mar Roxas) who will do everything to discredit him and sway undecided voters not to vote for Duterte. Unfortunately, supporters of "Digong" have become fiercer and fiercer and the attacks thrown at their presidential bet only made them stronger. At the end, they won the battle and they won it big time. This recent election , based on my observation, have caused so much divisiveness among F...