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People will never forget how you made them feel

Maya Angelou, an American poet once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." 

This message of Ms. Angelou is indeed correct based on my personal experiences. Honestly, it is so easy for me to cherish those people who cradled me during my darkest moments and I will always remember them as long as I am alive. Those good-hearted people made me feel that I am not alone and they were by my side when I fought those battles.

On the other hand, it is also hard for me not to forget those people who inflicted pain in my life - those people who shoved me down and destroyed part of my life. And I also cannot forget those people around me who just watched me go down the drain without exerting a single finger to pull me out of that darkness. I so cannot forget them until now. But don't get me wrong, I have no plans of seeking revenge on those people. I'm just saying that I cannot stop myself from feeling hurt whenever memories of these people crossed my mind. I forgave them, the wound was already healed but their scar left a bent in my heart. My mind want to forget the sorrow that I have experienced from them, sadly my heart doesn't want to. 

These experiences also taught me great things. These people inspired me to do good and to be of help  to the needy. Most importantly, it taught me the value of sincere empathy. I really feel for those good people who are in the abyss of their lives, with no one around them who are brave enough to lend a shoulder to lean on or spend time to listen to their desperate cry - I feel for them because I've been there. 

These difficult experiences in my life inspired me to create this blogsite so that I can share my experiences to the world. To show them that they are not alone. 

I am also starting a website This is a site where you can share your problems and our small team of volunteers are willing to offer their personal advice for free. There are many of us who in one point of our lives were desperate and cannot find someone to lean on. With OneLifeNetworx, we are offering ourselves to reach these people through the power of the internet. 

Feel free to visit us at OneLifeNetworx at There is hope. You need not face your life alone.


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